Howdy hey, this is one huge work in progress.

I am very ineptly brute force learning HTML/CSS/Java Script to make this funky little site less mank, but right now it is what it is.

Thanks for stopping by, hopefully this place will evolve into something interesting in the future.

strange picture I took long ago

- * . 24-07-2024 . * - Random updates for the void, my own entertainment really - Coming up with ideas for this when I dont even know if theyre possible for me to code in is really hard. Even harder still when Im unsure of even the search terms to enter to learn how to execute my ideas. Ill get there but I get the feeling its going to be a messy process. :')

Also! Heres a new little page to rifle through if it appeals to you, updates will likely be few and far between but they will happen, probably.

- * . 26-07-2024 . * - Hello again! Im going to start dating these now so this looks less strange. These are also not permanent, theyre just around while I figure things out, I think its cute to have them like some kind of an homage to what its actually like learning something new, Im not afraid of being bad at this and I hope this brings other people comfort when theyre learning too assuming someone comes across this strange little place. Anywho! Onto the topic at hand, which is - A to do list -

About Me - Interests Page - Art Page?

A given in this is that Id like to be constantly fixing up my code and getting closer to the style for this little webpage that Ive imagined, learning a splash of js sooner or later.. making a little dedications page for people whos pages inspire me/content that inspires me so on so on.

- * . 13-08-2024 . * - I promise im working on this, im having a hard time with inspiration and getting things to work as intended, but im trying my best. I have some very cryptic ideas that I could try out but im just not quite sure how id like them to go. I keep forgetting nothing I do has to be perfect right out of the gate, and also that this is my little website and I can do whatever I want. Anyway that is my update, lacklustre I know but hopefully ill have more to show you next fortnight, but for now thats all! Thanks for stopping by ⭒♡⭒